Hello Canberra,
📆 Today: A new bus timetable + live music this weekend.
🌦️ Weather: 30° and mostly sunny. 40% chance of a late shower.
This is a previous issue of Canberra Digest. Get Canberra news, events, culture and more sent to your inbox every morning. Subscribe for free.
Canberra Olympic Pool, Stromlo Leisure Centre, and Lakeside Leisure Centre have teamed up to challenge Canberrans to collectively achieve 15,000 minutes of activity. Next Saturday, they are running a range of free group fitness sessions suited to everyone from kids to adults, or you can simply drop in during the allocated time to use the gyms and pools for free. It's a great opportunity to try these centres out at no cost. Details here.
Enjoy free food and drinks from French-speaking countries, with Belgium, Canada, France, Lebanon, Switzerland, and Uruguay all represented. Pick up a Francophonie Market Passport, collect stamps from each stall, and enter to win a special prize. It's happening this Friday evening at Alliance Française de Canberra in Turner. Details here.
Bus Timetable Improvements: A new timetable with additional rapid, local, and school services will be introduced from April 28. The update adds 94 extra services per workday, made possible in part by the new Woden Depot, which will allow buses to operate directly from Woden instead of driving from Belconnen and Tuggeranong, reducing out-of-service running time. More.
New Library System: On Wednesday, March 26, ACT Library branches will be closed for a computer system upgrade. The new library system promises a clearer interface, a better reservation system, and improved alerts for new arrivals. More.
Best Buns: Yesterday, I asked where to find the best hot cross buns in Canberra. Thanks for all your suggestions! I'll be trying a few and will report back.
The National Carillon will host a special performance by the Carillon Society of Australia, featuring carillonists from Canberra, Sydney, and Bathurst. Pack a picnic and enjoy the music from Queen Elizabeth II Island. It's happening this Saturday at 1pm. Details here.
I'm seeing more and more of these early parties pop up—they must be popular! The Baso is hosting an Early Bird: 70s to Early 00s Party next Friday for millennials and anyone who likes to be in bed at a reasonable hour. It starts at 6pm! Details here.
🎻 Sleeping Stories: Canberra Symphony Orchestra's Sleeping Stories, a showcase of contemporary Australian music performed in the stunning surrounds of the Gandel Atrium at the National Museum of Australia. Compositions including Peggy Polias's 'Cameo' inspired by the blockbuster Pompeii exhibition. March 20, 6:30pm. Details here.
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