Hello Canberra,
☀️ Weather: 18° and sunny.
📆 Today: It’s Tuesday 28th May. Today’s issue is sponsored by 😍 The Dinner Ladies.
This is a previous issue of Canberra Digest. Get Canberra news, events, culture and more sent to your inbox every morning. Subscribe for free.
The ANU has told protestors they must leave the encampment by 12pm today. The ANU has said the encampment poses an unacceptable safety risk as it’s located on a primary evacuation point. Parts of the ANU, including the Club Lime Gym, have been closed today in anticipation of the police having to move the protestors on. More.
Canberra brewery Bentspoke is turning 10. To celebrate, they’re throwing a street party on Eloura Street in Braddon. On Thursday, June 6th, there will be an evening of beers, BBQ, bands, burgers, and beats. Details here.
At this year’s Christmas in July markets, La Crêperie will be holding a DIY crepe-making party. There will be a crepe grill at the centre of your table with an array of savoury and sweet ingredients and a bottle of authentic Brittany cider. Details here.
The Grand Kyiv Ballet of Ukraine is coming to Canberra on the 28th and 29th of June. They’ll perform the Ukrainian showpiece Forest Song and the Spanish ballet Don Quixote. Details here.
Join senior First Nations artists from Far North Queensland and the Torres Strait for a hands-on, creative workshop at the National Museum. You will use traditional and contemporary techniques to craft woven jewellery and wearable art pieces. Details here.
Canberrans, with children aged 6 months to 5 years, can access a free pop-up influenza vaccination clinic. There are clinics running across Canberra during June and July. Bookings are recommended. Details here.
Spade is a 1-year-old Siberian Husky X Border Collie currently at the pound and looking for his forever home. He needs an active family who is committed to training and socialising him. Details here.
Barton Highway Speed Limit Reduced: A stretch of the Barton Highway south of Murrumbateman will see the speed limit reduced to 80km/h from 100km/h. The change is due to a higher-than-average number of crashes. The new speed limits will come into effect next month. More.
Infamous Extended: Cabaret Circus Infamous has extended its stay in Canberra until June 8th. Tickets here.
International Burger Day: Today is International Burger Day. I’m searching for Canberra’s best burgers - What’s your pick?
Today’s issue of The Canberra Digest is brought to you by The Dinner Ladies. Want a break from cooking? Looking for some winter comfort food? The Dinner Ladies will stack your freezer with delicious crowd-pleasing dinners. Enjoy home-cooked food without the hassle.
Use code CANBERRADIGEST20 to get $20 off your first order. Available to new customers.
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